For what seemed like an eternity, everything was black. Slowly, the light came back, forming a dark scene—the massive silhouette of a building. Mount Ormond Resort. Frank Morrison sighed. The Entity had brought him back here again. How many times had he been summoned here? Thousands, probably more. He couldn’t count. He looked down at his hands. His knives were there. Everything was the same. That meant that the Entity had also summoned four survivors somewhere below him.
Boring… Boring!
He could remember when this was fun. There was a time when everything was new. The excitement of the hunt! When the blood would rush through his veins as he chased the survivors.
Frank crouched down and watched the scene. Then he saw the first survivor. Frank sighed. He knew him. He had seen him hundreds of times. This survivor would hide on the first floor of the abandoned ski resort. No fun there. Oh well, time to go to work.
Frank put his knife between his teeth and jumped from his hiding spot. In the darkness, he heard the sound of four people trying not to be heard. Frank didn’t run; he strolled through his domain. He laughed, hacking vaguely at plants in his way or imaginary people on his path. He felt the snow fall on his face as we walked outside. He needed something to do, something different, something fun.
He danced to the boiler room deep within the abandoned structure. He knew that someone would be here, the reward of a prestigious achievement, but the risk of a face-to-face encounter. One or two would always try and start with the generator, so that is where he would start too.
He hid just behind a door. His mask depicted a cruel smile, but he wasn’t smiling underneath. He heard the sound and silently counted down. Three. Two. One.
He swung out his arm and was greeted with a satisfying scream of pain. Well, he had got the first survivor. He felt a tang of satisfaction, but it wasn’t what he sought. He looked down. It wasn’t the survivor he saw initially, but he still knew this one. He had been here many times before. No challenge. Oh well.
He pulled his arm back before sending it out again on the other side. He felt a sharp pain as his arm smacked against the wood, missing his target. He saw the flash of blonde hair run past before scurrying off into the darkness. He was overtaken with surprise. What the… How did she… That never happened. He missed. He never missed! Franck removed his mask to watch. A new survivor! And she evaded his attack? Finally! Something fun.
Franck kicked the survivor on the ground at his feet. “Come on, get up; it isn’t your time yet.” Screaming, the survivor got up and ran.
Léonie fled through the corridors, trying to distance herself from Frank. That was close. She would get to the generator, but that would have to wait. First of all, a change of strategy was needed. She stopped at a corner, her heart beating so hard she could hear it in her ears. She stopped for a few minutes to catch her breath before going back. Frank would be there, but he wouldn’t expect what she was planning. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and, determined, went back.
Frank stalked outside. Whoever that survivor was, she was determined. She would be back, and she would try to trick him. She would be back this way if the main corridor didn’t work. He waited in silence until he heard footsteps. Just a few seconds more… Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the same blonde hair scurry down the main corridor, where he had been just a minute before. She went the same way as before! She knew that he’s be waiting elsewhere! Oh, she is just so much fun! Frank started smiling again. He counted to five and then chased after her.
Frank stopped and talked to himself. What would be really fun? If she knew I’d chase her down so she could double back again, here? Frank sheathed his knives and waited, back against the wall, his arms crossed. It didn’t take long for his suspicion to be confirmed. Léonie slid through the snowflakes outside and jumped when Frank surprised her around the corner. He was in the middle of the corridor, waiting for her.
“Hey! It’s nice to meet you! Who are you?” he asked playfully as Léonie turned around and fled. “Wait! I just want to talk”, he said, almost with a child-like voice. “I only want to have fun…” he whispered. He caught himself smiling as she ran away. That’s not like you, Frank… What has she done with you?
Léonie panted as she found a hiding spot. She didn’t even know where she was any more, running through rooms and corridors. That was close, too close. Frank was protecting the generator, so returning there might not be a good idea. He would undoubtedly go after another survivor if she waited, giving her time to think and devise a plan.
“What’s your name?”
Léonie jumped. Frank was there, his back on the wall and his arms crossed. He wasn’t aggressive, and he was smiling. Under his hood, dark eyes watched her with interest and madness.
“Aww, come on!” he said, unfolding his arms and crouching down. “Aren’t you just so bored of all of this?”. He waved his arm in a circular motion, gesturing to the dark, abandoned corridors, the rotting woodwork, and the mess of thousands of summonings from the Entity. “Come on! Let’s have some fun for once! Okay, I get it,” he said, putting out his hands defensively, “just one question, okay, just one?”
Léonie froze like a rabbit blinded by headlights on a dark road. She was terrified, trembling, but something told her she wasn’t in danger. Not yet. She looked him in the eye, waiting.
Frank got up and approached slowly. He reached out, caressing her cheek softly. “What’s your name?”
“Léonie.” It was a whisper.
“Oh, such a sweet name,” he said, tasting the air. “Go on, Léonie, run!” It was all she needed to bolt from her position down the corridor. Frank watched in amusement as her hourglass figure sped down the corridor, her long blonde hair flowing behind her. No screaming, none of those boring “please don’t kill me”s he had heard a hundred times before. He wondered what his next question would be as he almost skipped down the corridor. Another survivor turned around a corner at the wrong time. Frank grabbed him by the throat and looked him in the eye. “This is going to be so much fun!” he said, looking into those eyes full of terror before throwing the survivor behind him and continuing. “Now, if I was Léonie, where would I hide…”. Frank skipped into the darkness, feeling giddy.
Léonie silently entered a room. It was dark, damp, and had a smell of terror. She walked into the bedroom to look out of the window. Wrong choice; this one didn’t have a balcony, and there was no way she could quickly escape down to the ground floor. She would have to turn back. As she entered the corridor, she was pinned to the wall. Frank pushed his whole body against hers before looking down at her again. “Oh, hi there! Tell me, Léonie, are you having fun?”
She struggled but was unable to escape. “No,” she whispered hoarsely.
Frank jumped back, waving his hands in the air. “Neither am I! But you!” he said, pointing at her, “You are fun!”. He gestured, and Léonie ran past him as he laughed to himself. He reached his hand out to caress her hair as she ran by. “Wait! Wait for me! I just want to get to know you!” He watched her run down the corridor, darting to one side and disappearing. “I just want to get to know you…” he whispered to himself. There was indeed something different about her.
There were others. Oh there had been so many. Over the years, this had been a repetition. The fear, the screaming, and the eternal repetition of always doing the same thing. They would always go in a certain direction, and they would always hide in a certain place. Sometimes, some survivors would be braver and try and help each other, but it always ended the same way, not with her. She was different.
Frank spent the next few minutes roaming the resort, terrifying other survivors, but it wasn’t the same. The hooks no longer interested him, and the survivors were an annoyance. All of them, except one. Now, where was she…
He walked outside, feeling the snowflakes fall on his face. His breath lingered in the air. Frank could be seen from the other side of the building in the white of the outside, and he was counting on it. A survivor passed through a doorway before fleeing as soon as he saw Frank. He didn’t care anymore; he wanted something else. The other survivors could wait. He pretended to run after the survivor but stopped as soon he was inside. He counted to ten before turning around and jumping outside. The unsuspecting Léonie ran right into his arms. Like a Venus fly trap, Frank’s arms closed around her. He jumped onto her, wrapping his legs around her and falling backward, dragging her with him. The snow broke his fall on the ground, and Léonie fell on top of him, winding her.
“Oh, fancy meeting you here! Now, what are you doing here, I wonder?”
Léonie struggled, but there was no point. Frank had her in a tight grip; her struggles would only weaken her. She stopped fighting, accepting her fate.
“There, isn’t that better? Now! Where was I? Oh yes! You!”. Frank let go with his arms but kept her between his legs with a tight grip. He put his hands behind his head as if he was relaxing and looked deep into her eyes.
“So, yes! You! You are fascinating, do you know that? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like you here.”
“Kill me,” sighed Léonie.
“Now, why would I do that?”
“That’s what you do to everyone. No one escapes when you have them trapped…”
“Trapped? You call this trapped? This isn’t a trap! This is proof!”
“Proof of what?” Léonie asked, trembling in fear.
“Us!” Frank declared, looking up and lifting his arms to the sky. “Of me, of my love for you!”
“Love?” asked Léonie, pushing herself up on her elbows. “What do you know of love?”
Frank didn’t answer. He looked deep into her eyes before pulling up his sweatshirt. He revealed his white skin and well-toned abdominal muscles. As he continued to pull his sweatshirt up, Léonie found herself watching in fascination, torn between fear and intrigue. She was caught off-guard when Frank grabbed her by her head and pulled her close to his chest. Léonie fought back, trying desperately to escape his grip, until she heard it.
Lub-dub. A heartbeat.
“See? It’s beating for you, Léonie!”
Lub-dub. Strong. Powerful. Sending blood rushing through his veins. She froze, mesmerized.
“See? That’s me! I don’t want to hurt you! I want you, Léonie! I want you!” He unwrapped his legs and rolled backward on the snow, rolling over until he was on his knees. Léonie looked in terror, scrambling backward on her hands, until turning around and running into the darkness.
“You’ll be back…” whispered Frank. He was feeling something new, something he hadn’t felt for a very long time. His skin has goosebumps from the cold, but deep inside, he felt warm. For once, he didn’t feel like doing what the Entity asked. Not yet. At least, not with her. He would find the other survivors, but only to pass the time, waiting… Waiting for her.
Léonie walked, she no longer ran. She was running the scenario in her head over and over. How could he have known that she had changed her strategy? He had every single chance, so why didn’t he catch her? And what was this about fun?
Léonie ambled aimlessly. She had returned inside to try and warm up, the last snowflakes falling from her hair. There were a few screams of terror, mainly from the generator area. Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached. She walked gingerly, entering the main reception. This room was like any other; brown with dirt and neglect, abandoned. A survivor ran past her, white from fear. Unfazed, she carried on.
“Ah! I wondered when you would be back!” Frank appeared behind the bar, branding a broken glass and an empty bottle. “So, what will it be?” With no answer from Léonie, he threw both behind him, letting them crash to the ground in a shatter of glass. He jumped up on top of the counter. “Well, what else can we do if you don’t want a drink?”
He jumped down from the counter, smiling, dancing around her. “How about a dance, then? No?” he said, his tone of voice had a madness that would typically have frightened Léonie, but now she felt confident. She stayed where she was. “Well, you don’t want to drink, and you don’t want to dance… And you don’t want to run. What do you want, Léonie?”
Léonie didn’t answer. Her confidence radiated into the room, talking Frank by surprise.
“I know! I know!” he said before lunging out through the doorway into the snow. He came back a minute later, a small blue flower in his hand, with grass and weeds accompanying the faded plant. He handed them to Léonie, who took them. “Now it’s tradition to accept a dance!”. Frank danced wildly without music, and Léonie was surprised that he did have a few good moves. He would get in front of her, then come closer, rubbing his body against hers, before distancing himself again.
“So,” he whispered, “what will it be? Hide and seek? Or seek and hide?”. He took two steps back, looking deep into her eyes. His right hand held out, inviting her hand into his, and his left arm held out, pointing to the doorway. She had a choice; run or follow. He would find her if she ran, and she would end up on the hook, an offering to the Entity. If she followed…
She took his hand.
“We are going to have so much fun!” he pressed against her. He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight and feeling her squirming with discomfort, resisting the urge to escape. Suddenly, she froze. Frank looked down. Léonie had her ear glued to his chest, listening. Her finger tapped her waist gently to the rhythm of his heartbeat, singling the sound of his desire. Tap, tap, tap. Frank lifted his hoodie slowly, letting Léonie press her head against his bare chest so she could listen better. This time, she tapped on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, drowning out the other senses to concentrate on the powerful beating deep inside his chest.
Léonie stood next to the fire, warming her hands. Frank danced around her, taking a few steps back before approaching again and rubbing against her. He laughed as she tried to move, complimenting her hair, eyes, and ass. “Now that is fantastic! The curve, the tightness… Ooh!”.
Léonie faced him, looking him straight in the eye. Frank took one step forward and waited. Again, another step, and again, another pause. He almost touched her, but Léonie took the final step forward, their two bodies touching. She looked up into his dark eyes, unafraid.
“Do you still want to have fun?”
Frank moved first. Their lips met, gingerly touching, before retreating. He put his hand behind her head to pull her in a bit more. They kissed again, with more energy and more passion. His lips parted, and their tongues met and danced. His hands fell from behind her head to her lower back, caressing on their way down. He held her tight, squeezing her gently.
Franck leaned back slightly, looking Léonie in her blue-green eyes. His hand moved up to her face, caressing gently under her chin, before lowering, grabbing her zipper, and slowly opening her top. Léonie offered no resistance, shivering slightly as the cold air blew over her skin. He placed his hands flat on her stomach, caressing softly before moving upwards, cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples, moving up to her shoulders, pushing the fabric over, and pulling it down behind her, exposing her soft white skin.
Then it was her turn to place her hands under his hoodie, her fingers inching over his skin, feeling the well-trained muscles with the tips of her fingers, following the valleys, before tugging at the warm top, pulling it up and over his head. It fell to the ground, close to hers.
They both took a step forward, skin against skin, Frank taking her into his arms. They kissed; their lips touched; their tongues danced. Léonie’s hands ran through his dark hair while Frank explored the curves of her lower back. Léonie pulled back slightly before placing her ear onto his chest, listening in fascination to his heartbeat. It was rhythmic and powerful, and it seemed to change as her hands played with his chest.
She stood up, looking deeply into his eyes. Frank stepped back and undid his trousers, releasing the belt and unzipping before the fabric fell limp to his feet. He kicked them into a corner before sitting down on a sofa. The contact of the cold leather on his skin gave him goosebumps, but he sat down, his erect cock standing erect, waiting.
Léonie basked in his gaze and pulled down her tracksuit, maintaining eye contact. Frank watched, amused. Léonie felt her skin burn where he looked, her perky breasts and curves on her waist, and he gasped slightly as she revealed her intimacy. Her body was a beacon of heat in the cold air, burning a way to his heart.
Léonie presented herself to him naked. Frank settled himself better on the sofa, pushing his hips forward. Léonie approached, bending forward to kiss him. Frank ran one hand through her long blonde hair, and the other gently caressed her skin from her shoulder to her waist before inching towards her pussy. Frank smiled in delight as his finger was met with humidity, Léonie’s lust for him.
Léonie broke off the kiss before settling on her knees before him. Frank played with her hair in his fingers as Léonie gently took his manhood in her hand, stroking softly before kissing the tip of his cock. Again and again, teasing with her longue, she built up the desire, slowly teasing him. Then, without warning, she wrapped her lips around his cock, and pushed down, taking him fully in her mouth. Frank moaned and arched his back, leaning his head as far back as possible. His hand guided her softly, showing her the speed and depth he liked, letting her play for a while.
Léonie slowed down and then released her lips from his cock, gently stroking it with her hand. They kissed as she continued the movement of her hand up and down.
She looked him in the eyes, and he understood. He let her place her head again on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat. With her ear firmly on his chest, she stopped caressing, listening to the heartbeat slow gently. Then, with a cruel smile, she stroked him on his entire length, faster and faster. Frank squirmed, moaning as Léonie moved faster and faster, listening to his heartbeat jump.
Frank tapped her shoulder, a sign for her to stop. He got his breath back as Léonie got up and straddled him. With her legs around his, she took his cock back in her hand and guided it gently to her begging pussy lips. They parted eagerly, welcoming him inside as she sat down, impaling herself on him. She moaned; she put her head close to his and gently bit his shoulder as his hands clawed at her back. « Oh fuck », she whispered gently into his ear.
Léonie took control, lifting her hips gently before falling back onto him. She rode his entire length, falling back on him only when the tip was left inside her. She tightened her muscles, and Frank felt her move up and down him, teasing him, feeling him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rocked her hips, moaning as she felt him inside her with every movement. She rode his body as three survivors ran through the resort. She caught one of them watching, looking briefly before running away.
Frank wanted something else. He lifted her, smiling at Léonie’s little whimper as he slid out of her. Holding her hips, he pushed her gently to the side while standing up.
Léonie lifted her legs; Frank seized her by the ankles and stepped forward. He placed her feet on his shoulders and guided his cock to her pussy lips. Slowly, he pushed in, watching in delight as her lips separated, and he slid gently back into her. He held on to her ankles, pushing back, lifting her knees to her waist. He could feel the tightness of her pussy on his cock with every thrust. He moaned loudly, watching the look on her face as he pierced deeper into her. He took both ankles into one hand, leaving the other free to grab her boob, fondling, kneading, gently pinching her nipples, and enjoying the little shrieks that came. He enjoyed the view, looking down at her before tilting his head back, enjoying the sensations of her warm body.
Again, he pulled out, and again she whimpered. She turned around, setting herself on all fours. He positioned himself behind her, pushing her torso forward so har hands were on the back of the sofa. With one hand on her hip, his other hand took his cock to position himself inside her before pushing slowly in. His cock felt the warmth of her insides again, and Léonie moaned as he slid silently inside her, searching deeper and deeper. Frank made rhythmic movements of his hips, enjoying seeing his cock sliding into Léonie’s warm pussy. The curves of her back, the dimples on her lower back… The view was fantastic. His eyes were fixed on this view; it was magnificent! Now here is something different and something fun… Maybe just one more thing…
There was a loud slap as Frank marked her left ass cheek with a red outline of his hand. Léonie let out a little shriek, a mix between the surprise of pain and the pleasure of her nerves telling her that he had slapped her. It was soon followed by another perfect imprint on the other side, her skin glowing red from the impact.
Frank began to lose control, pushing deeper and deeper, faster and faster. He watched as Léonie’s hips braced for each push, her shoulders held her in place, and her long blonde hair flowed over her back with every movement. He reached out, wrapping her hair in his hand, before holding her tight. She wouldn’t escape; she was his to do with as he pleased, and every action he did made her moan a little louder. Her breath hung for a second in the cold air, but their bodies were scorching, leaving tiny plumes of steam as they made love in the darkness.
Frank could feel it coming, the desire deep inside his groin becoming louder and louder, sending small bolts of electricity through his body. He wouldn’t last long. He pulled on Léonie’s hair, lifting her slightly. She arched her back, looking backward into his eyes. Their eyes locked. Frank put a thumb into Léonie’s unresisting mouth and cupped a breast with the other, softly pinching her nipple. He could see it in her eyes; she was close as well. Just one minute more…
In the darkness, he took her. His manhood was deep inside her, his balls roughly slapping her with every movement. He had lost control; his breath was wild, and he almost growled with every movement. With each growl, Léonie moaned; their sounds became rhythmic, locked in synchronized pleasure.
Frank came first, pushing hard into Léonie as his desire exploded deep into Léonie. It was all she needed to also climax, wave after wave of pleasure taking over her body. She gave in completely, held firmly in place bu Frank’s strong arms. He pinched her nipple as they both came, and Léonie’s powerful orgasm and muscle contractions held onto Frank’s cock hard, letting him empty himself.
Their movements slowed, and Frank slowly released his grip while maintaining eye contact. They kissed awkwardly, smiling, laughing, before he pulled out, his cock softening slowly. He flopped onto the sofa next to Léonie, who turned around and leaned onto him, her heat nestling onto his shoulder. They kissed, a long and passionate kiss before she put her head onto his chest.
Lub-dub… Lub-dub… Lub-dub… Powerful, rhythmic beats, gently slowing but still powerful. She wondered how often his heart pumped with such energy. How many chases and encounters with the Entity had made him strong like that? She closed her eyes, feeling sleep come for her. She slowly drifted into slumber, but Frank gently pushed her up before softly placing her back onto the sofa. He placed an old quilt over her body to keep her warm. She began to open her eyes, but Frank shushed her.
“Shh… Sleep. I have a few things to tend to; I’ll be right back!”
Léonie closed her eyes, letting sleep take over her body and soul. In the background, she heard the sounds of screams and chains.
Léonie began to wake up, emerging slowly from a deep sleep. She could hear the crackling of fire and warmth on her cheek. The rest was silence. Nobody was running; there were no chains, no screams. And then she heard it, a soft noise, rhythmic. Breathing.
She opened her eyes, taking her time to focus on the ceiling before looking down. On the floor next to her, Frank slept. He was half-covered with a few rags but was still naked. Léonie admired his body. He had an athletic build since most of his life consisted of running and physical activity. His shoulder was bare, and she could easily make out the muscles under his skin. A rag covered his chest but stopped short of his waist. She smiled as she saw his naked cock, twitching slightly in his sleep. What was he dreaming of? Was he dreaming about her?
She reached out gingerly, her fingers inching towards his manhood. With lighting reflexes, Frank’s hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. She felt no fear; she waited patiently for Frank to wake up fully. He looked at her, smiled, and released his grip. Her hand continued inching down, stopping only when her fingertips caressed his cock lightly. It twitched and started to grow in size.
“Good morning,” she said, smiling. Her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulder and onto the sofa, adding color to an otherwise dark environment.
He looked at her; his cold expression had vanished, replaced by kindness. “Sleep well?” he asked.
Léonie continued smiling, looking around her. Everything was cold and dark; rusted metal and tern brown showed decades of neglect. However, right here, right now, next to the fire, she felt good. “I did,” she answered, “how about you?”.
“Oh, you know, just a little bit of work to do before going to sleep.”
“So, what will you do to me this morning?” she asked, worried. She held the blanket close to her skin defensively.
“Make love to you?”
“You’re not going to…” she looked at a hook dangling from the ceiling.
Frank followed her gaze before looking back. “No, I’d prefer to make love to you.”
She smiled. “What about the Entity?” Léonie inquired.
Frank shrugged. “Well, we’re about to find out.” He stretched, lifting his hands high above his head.
She seized the opportunity, removing the quilt from her body and flopping down on all fours between his legs. One hand took his limp cock, and smiling; she opened her mouth to take him inside. Her lips wrapped around his shaft, and her tongue flicked the tip gently. She closed her eyes slightly in delight as she felt his manhood harden inside her; soon, she wouldn’t be able to handle it, but she enjoyed the moment, holding on as tightly as she could with her lips. She started moving up and down, lifting her gaze to meet his. She felt her heart pound watching him, watching the look in his eyes as she pleasured him. Her hand caressed his thighs, scratching lightly, moving closer, cupping his balls, and gently kneading. She could feel his pleasure between her lips, drunk from knowing that her desire made him hard.
“My God, you are beautiful…”
Léonie smiled and lent forward to kiss him. “What made you change your mind?”
“This,” he answered, gently taking her head into his hands and pulling her down towards his naked chest, her ear resting on his chest. There it was. A heartbeat. Strong, powerful, rhythmic. “This is why. When I saw you, my heart pounded; I’ve never felt this before. You probably don’t…”
She silenced him with a finger to his lips. “Show me.” She got back on her knees, inching forwards until her hips were above his manhood. She reached behind, gently taking his cock into her hand and guiding him, his tip pushing gently against her lips, pushing deep into her as she put her weight onto him. She gasped as she felt him rub inside, moaning as he entered her fully. Moving her hips slowly, she started riding him, lifting gently before falling back onto him. She moaned loudly as his hands moved to her waist, guiding her, helping her. With the palms of her hands on his chest, she lifted herself up and down using her thighs, faster and faster. She leaned forward to kiss him again, their tongues dancing, before leaning back, sitting down on him.
They held hands, locked in their sexual embrace. They held on tight, Frank taking her weight in his strong hands as she rocked her hips on top of him, seeking to feel him deep inside her. He could pull her at just the right time to feel her even more, enjoying the feeling of her tightness on his manhood and the fantastic view she offered.
Frank watched as she arched her back, leaning backward. Her breasts bounced slightly as she rocked her hips, and her nipples were hard. He took the opportunity to take her breasts into his hands, gently touching them with the tips of his fingers before squeezing her nipples, enjoying her loud moans. As she leaned further back, his hand descended on her hip, guiding her. He licked his thumb, dampening it, before placing it on her pussy lips, making soft circles on her skin. Her lips invited him in, and he gently pushed his thumb, inching towards her clitoris, rubbing ever so softly until he hit just the right spot. He could tell; she bit her lip and arched her back, rubbing herself onto him while riding him. Her moans became more rhythmic as he found the perfect speed and kept it there. She leaned forwards again, their eyes locked. Her mouth opened slightly as she squirmed, but Frank wasn’t letting go. She edged closer and closer to an orgasm, trying to keep up her movements, but she couldn’t. Her body trembled, and Frank smiled madly as she lost all control.
As Léonie lost control of her body to her deepest desires, the abandoned chalet was filled with the sounds of love, her screaming orgasm, a change from the usual sounds.
Léonie trembled, fighting to get her breath back. Frank didn’t slow down, his thumb expertly rubbing her until she could take it no more, collapsing onto him, their bodies glued together by sweat and desire. He was still inside her, and he felt her tense as each wave of her orgasm took control of her muscles. He held her tight in his arms, feeling her pulsing heartbeat slowly return to normal.
Panting, Léonie rolled over on her side before Frank pushed her softly on her back. He then straddled her; his manhood placed just over her breasts. Léonie took them in her hands, squeezing them together to give Frank a better experience, her soft skin wrapping around his desire for her. His hips moved rhythmically, slowly at first but accelerating quickly. Soon, Frank replaced her hands with his own, squeezing her nipples as he did so. Once again, she moaned from the intense pleasure, his hands on her, his manhood rubbing between her breasts, and his balls softly running up and down her skin.
She could sense that he was close; his moans became more like grunts, showing an animal side to him, which only excited her more. His hands held tighter, leaving small red and white parks on her skin. His muscles tensed, and between her breasts, Léonie could feel his manhood twitch, each powerful shot of semen as he emptied his desire between her soft melons. Again and again, he pushed lightly between them until he had nothing more to give. He sat down on her hips, panting, beads of sweat rolling down his skin, their path guided by the form of his muscles. He let go of her breasts, and his seed remained between them, soft and warm. A light trickle slowly flowed on her side before he stopped its path with a finger, bringing his seed back up, slowly rubbing his love for her into her skin and gently massaging her before placing his hand flat on her chest and counting the heartbeats. Strong and fast, he could tell that she loved their time together.
He rolled over, collapsing in his side, as they both smiled and laughed.
“So, what now?” asked Léonie.
“Well,” sighed Frank, “we still have work to do.”
Léonie’s heart sank. The Entity was watching, and the game was still on. There was one logical conclusion…
Frank stood up, and offered her his hand. Gingerly, she took it, and he helped her up. Léonie shivered; not from the cold, her skin was still burning from their love, but from fright. What was left for her?
Frank took her into his arms and kissed her passionately. There was no horror, no malice, just tenderness and love. He again took her by the hand, and together, they walked naked through the old abandoned building. They arrived at the first generator. Frank stopped and gestured for her to continue. Léonie stood frozen for a second. Does this mean… She pushed the button, and the generator sprung to life.
They walked to each generator for ten minutes, hand in hand, two naked bodies walking gently through the Entity’s playground, laughing, hugging, and kissing. One by one, the five generators were turned on. On the last generator, a loud click echoed through the empty corridors. Léonie looked at Frank with a mixture of excitement and sadness.
The walk to the door was the longest that she could remember. Slowly, side by side, they walked as if one person, their white skin contrasting with the dark brown of the abandoned building. Frank caressed her palm with his thumb as they walked. When they arrived at the door, Frank stopped.
“Well, here you go, Léonie… Here’s your prize. This is what you wanted.”
Léonie turned around and asked, “So, what now?”
“Well, you walk through that door, and you get your achievement.”
“But what about you?” she hesitated, worried for him.
Frank shrugged. “Well, there is one way to find out, I suppose,” he answered. He took Léonie’s hands in his, caressing her palms with his thumbs and turning her around to face him. “Promise me you’ll be back? Promise?”
She stepped forward to kiss him one last time. “I promise.” They embraced, Léonie almost throwing herself into his arms. Skin against skin, they held each other tight, not wanting this moment to end. Two hearts beating, almost synchronizing their efforts. After what seemed to be an eternity, they let go of each other.
Léonie took a step back. Frank reached out a hand to take hers, and she gave it to him willingly. With both hands, he placed her palm on his chest. “Remember,” he said, as she felt his heartbeat through her skin. She looked at him, small tears forming in her eyes. “I will. I will…”
Léonie turned around and took two steps before looking back over her shoulder one last time, her long blonde hair flowing in the chilly wind. Then she walked through the door. Frank watched as she was bathed in a brilliant white light before disappearing—end of the game, no more survivors. His job was done.
Frank looked into the dark sky, with snow falling softly to the ground. “Well, now what?” he yelled, wondering if the Entity would answer or if it was even listening. Silence, as always. Then the light began to fade; blackness overcame him.
Ah. Another game. I hope she will be back…